Stanford Admissions

<p>First, to clarify things, I have an Stanford axess account.
A month ago, I logged onto my axess account to view my transcript history in the Student Center. Below the "my academics" field, I noticed a new field, "Admissions." Under the heading it showed that my freshman transcript was incomplete. This was no surprise, I had just submitted my application. Two weeks later, the field stated that my application was complete. Yesterday, the field displayed "Admitted." I feel like this is either a glitch or a misinterpretation on my part. Should I ignore this or does this have true meaning?</p>

<p>How do you have an axess account?</p>

<p>summer college</p>

<p>why don’t you just call and ask? most of us are only applicants who don’t even have axess acounts.</p>

<p>Wow you may very well have been admitted</p>

<p>I called. They said that we will get our responses dec 15th. Basically, a generic response. All I want to know is if anyone knows if the Axess status is meaningful. If its not I should take this thread off so as not to give people false hope.</p>

<p>i’m pretty sure there’s no way to remove a thread once its started, but it seems very likely that the status reported is accurate</p>

<p>You were probably admitted. lol the first one we know!</p>

<p>if it’s true (and probably is), congratulations!!! yayayay:)</p>

<p>its prolly a glitch tho. I’m waiting for some undergrad to tell me that Axess lies.</p>

<p>huh, mine says the same thing… I think its a glitch</p>

<p>I think it has something to do with summer session. I called, and they said they were still in the process of making decisions, so it’s likely nothing. The girl said it was most likely an axess glitch haha.</p>

<p>I know it sucks right!</p>

<p>Other than you, no one has the same message. I’m dismissing it as a glitch. I was hoping an undergrad who knew something about this would respond.</p>

<p>Have you talked to anyone else who was at summer session who applied?</p>

<p>Ya, they told me it just displayed “completed application”… w.e id dismiss it.</p>

<p>geckolord and tyler09, do you think your stats and essays were up to par to get in? If you think there’s no way then it’s probably a glitch but if youre both qualified and think you showed something well enough I bet it isn’t a glitch.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t read much into this–the admissions office doesn’t display anything on Axess when decisions come out.</p>

<p>Stanford is looking for a person not a test score.</p>

<p>@geckolord, that is why I said “stats and essays”</p>

<p>I understand. I don’t believe that one can predict acceptance. There are to many variables. Many are subjective. </p>

<p>And, I believe everyone who conscientiously decided to forgo early action at other schools to take a shot at Stanford would have had to be confident in their qualifications.</p>

<p>Anyway, kyledavid80, that’s the response i wanted. Thanks</p>