Stanford Class of 2025 Regular Decision

Anyone know why the decision date changed from 4/9 to 4/7?

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cause waiting is dum lol

they had it as by April 9 but I guess they didn’t need more time

I have the update link, address and the withdraw button. Anyone else seeing it?

I think everyone has the normal portal rn. Probably gonna change in the coming hours. Or if Stanford finally fixed it idk

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lmao cant argue with that

What does everyone mean by “update link”? I know what you’re talking about when you say “address”, but I don’t know which update link you’re talking about.

It is right below your checklist. It says “Update application”

Why is this thread so inactive?


waht If i send an update to Stanford rn saying “I don’t have any updates”

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U can try that :sweat_smile:

at ur own risk

we can’t know till stanford releases their official stats

Hmmm, I don’t entirely agree. From my school the UK, 6 have applied to the US and here are the stats:

  1. Brown ED (me)
  2. Columbia - 85% scholarship
  3. Northeastern and Boston College (rejected Ivys but interviewed)
  4. UNC - with scholarship
  5. UCLA
  6. Waitlisted Colby (only applied to 2)

That’s a fairly good result - but yes, I agree it is much harder to get the application right.

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two are waiting on Stanford but will be tough

Intl. Interviewed. Stanford’s my only hope, otherwise I’ll have to stick with wisconsin madison.

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M an international…not interviewed :frowning:

Which country?


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Which country r u from?