Stanford Early Action for Fall 2024 Admission

s24 just received an email for a Zoom interview.

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S24 has interview this week.

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So what actually gets read in those applications? How is the first round determined?

Good overview of the interview process:

As stated in one of the answers, an invitation to interview is entirely dependent on alum availability in your area and has nothing to do with the strength of your application. Interviews are entirely optional and there is no penalty to declining an interview and no reason needs to be given either.

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Thanks; my child just got an interview and they are both excited and very nervous. So the interview does not play into the admissions decision at all? That takes the pressure off.

I wouldn’t say it has no impact on admissions. I think the applicant is not penalized for not having an interview. If the applicant interviews well and impresses the interviewer, they will get a good write-up and it will be included in the applicant’s file. There is upside if the applicant performs well but no upside if they do not.


When is the latest that one can get an interview request?

Also, how much notice do they give you after the request comes in? A week?

My son’s interview was 2 days after he received the email
 guessing it varies by interviewer schedule.

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Same here. My child got an e-mail on Tuesday and had the interview tonight, Thursday, so about 2 days’ turnaround. 40 minutes online via GoogleMeet.

Also, someone told my child that Nov. 15 was the last day for interviews. I can’t remember if that was in the e-mail inviting them to interview, but I think it was.

For those who did interview, what was the reaction or impression? My child was a bit disappointed. They felt like it went OK but wasn’t going to make them really stand out.

My son felt good about it, but I don’t think it’ll make a difference in his app.

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My son didn’t get interview yet. I don’t know whether interview is effective or no. But he likes kind of non interview. :smile:. I am uncomfortable with interview and without interview either.


S24. Interviewed yesterday

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SAT superscore:1500
Unweighted GPA:3.94
EC: over 1000 volunteers hours in various activities.
Intended concentration is English/Dance
Arts Portfolio:submitted

She knows it’s a long shot but hopeful. Definitely will be her dream come true.

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Any guesses for when decisions will be released? Dec 8th or 15th? I read somewhere that it has always been a Friday for the last decade.

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To this day, I still remember the December Friday in 2016 when our son received his early acceptance to Stanford! Best wishes to all.


DS just got his interview set up for tomorrow night. I think I am more nervous than he is.

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It was a pretty standard interview for my child, which helped take the pressure off somewhat. Qs like “tell me about yourself” and “tell me about your leadership/service/sport” etc. The interviewer took notes.

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