Stanford or Princeton?

<p>I'm giving it a 99.99998% chance I go to Stanford, I've wanted to go there since before I found out that it existed, but I'm debating with myself whether I want to apply to Princeton now. There are so many things about Stanford that I love, but there are a few things about Princeton that are just as great. I probably wouldn't take Princeton over Stanford if I got in, but nothing is definite. I already asked this on the Princeton forum, but do you guys think I should apply?</p>

<p>Also, I'd like to hear some debate on Stanford v Princeton.</p>

<p>Stanford, nuff said.</p>

<p>Why wouldn’t you apply, go to both’s admit weekends/visit both, and see?</p>

<p>i’ve visited princeton and thought the campus was beautiful. that said though, i’ve never been to stanford and am guessing that the CA weather beats NJ by a long shot. </p>

<p>if you’re debating, might as well apply to princeton so that you don’t have regrets; however, i would choose stanford.</p>

<p>just because you got into stanford doesn’t mean you’re a shoe in at princeton and if you apply and end up being rejected…it’s too big a risk for your ego to take.</p>

<p>ive always thought that princeton was relatively conservative
but ive recently found out that it’s actually one of the best colleges for gays
haha i mean, that’s probably not important to you, but im also considering princeton so it is
but for me, it’s that im afraid that im not going to get finacnial aid at stanford, and princeton has the BEST aid program</p>

<p>Stanford’s and Princeton’s FA programs are essentially the same. Where did you ever get the conception they were different?</p>

<p>^ I agree. I thought Stanford’s aid is supposed to be one of the best.</p>

<p>Stanford. Do it for the weather. </p>

<p>I was at Princeton a couple days ago, and my fingers nearly froze off.</p>

<p>Apply to both and, if accepted to Princeton, then visit each school & you should know which is better for you. The campus cultures are quite different, in my opinion.</p>

<p>well i know that princeton has one of the best financial aid programs, aka if you make less than $65k a year, college is free
anddddd i kind of need that lol
but i might be wrong - does stanford do the same?</p>

<p>at stanford if you make less than 100k i thought you got college free…?</p>

<p>I don’t know, that sounds a little high. My EFC is 40,000, and my parents make like 75,000 a year. If that’s true GimmeStanford, I want Stanford even more now!</p>

<p>[Stanford</a> drops tuition for some students](<a href=“]Stanford”></p>

<p>Wow. That would be amazing.</p>



<p>Does this trump that, though? Because that would be where I fail.</p>

<p>I’m sure it depends on the magnitude and type of those assets. If you applied for financial aid I’m sure they won’t cheat you out of anything.</p>

<p>GimmeStanford, you got in to Stanford via SCEA, right? </p>

<p>I thought this early action was restrictive though?</p>

<p>I was in the same place you are and applied anyways. Princeton’s admit weekend convinced me that Stanford was the place for me. You should probably apply and not close off your options in case your opinion of Stanford changes in the next 4 months.</p>

<p>Yes, SCEA is single choice early action, which is restrictive in that you can only apply to one school early. It is still early action, meaning you are completely free to apply to schools regular decision.</p>

<p>Good advice evig</p>

<p>btw you know i’m just giving you a hard time right? but seriously if i were you the only reason i’d consider princeton over stanford is for the financial aid.</p>