<p>Hi, I am almost finishing freshman year at a top 10 university. I am thinking of transferring to Stanford.</p>
<p>My motives:
-- Change in major, and my current school isn't very good at this major but Stanford is
-- Need more of an academic challenge
-- Social atmosphere doesn't fit me
-- More academic prestige</p>
-- College GPA: It looks like my GPA finishing this year will be 3.9 - 4.0.
-- HS GPA: 4.00 Unweighted at one of the nation's top public high schools
-- SAT ~2300
-- EC: Volunteering (college); Class government (HS), Orchestra (HS)</p>
<p>Does transfer seem reasonable?
-- I would have to start applying next year, so I would be transferring after I finish sophomore year.
-- I know acceptance is low, but given my stats, is it a reasonable target?</p>