
Born: Tripoli, Libya
~US Citizen~
GPA: 3.3
SAT: 2100</p>

- Debate Team (Lincoln Douglas)
- Started Charity:Water Fundraising Club @ School
- Class President
- Football (Varsity)
- Track (Varsity)
- Tutor
- Volunteer with Refugees via a non-profit organization (which my mother runs)</p>

<p>I've always taken the most rigorous courses available to me. My poor GPA is a result of my freshman and sophomore year not being taken seriously. Debate and football was where all my time went. I also had narcolepsy that wasn't fixed until now. There is a definite upward trend however, and I'm poised for a 4.0 this semester (2nd -Jr), bc I fixed the narcolepsy. I'm successful at debate and passionate about charities (I'm not just saying that like some people do). I don't want to go to advance myself but rather be an agent of change. Accepting me = giving me the tools I need to make a change bigger than myself</p>


<p>What’s GPA weighted?</p>

<p>3.7 unweighted GPA</p>

<p>I would aim it at least. 2250 on sat, are you good enough to be recruited?</p>

<p>How rigorous are those rigorous courses? Math? Sci? Did your English Comp AP? Breakdown on SAT? On your activities, what were your performances/positions? What then remains are the essays and letters of rec.</p>

<p>700 across on SAT</p>

<p>All Honors, AP US History, AP Psych & AP Physics B</p>

<p>Best highschool in state</p>

<p>I am class president, founder of the fundraising club, regular member of the debate team (tho successful) and play WR/CB not a captain</p>

<p>Quick comments before dinner

  • Psych–probably won’t count for much
  • would like to see 5 on Calc AB, 5 on Physics B or at least 4’s on Calc BC or Physics C
  • At least 4’s on English Composition & Lit
  • At least 4 on Chem AP</p>

<p>Class Rank?
Community Activity?
EC Awards?</p>

<p>See if you can get SAT >2200
Essays important.
Good luck!</p>