- Debate Team (Lincoln Douglas)
- Started Charity:Water Fundraising Club @ School
- Class President
- Football (Varsity)
- Track (Varsity)
- Tutor
- Volunteer with Refugees via a non-profit organization (which my mother runs)</p>
<p>I've always taken the most rigorous courses available to me. My poor GPA is a result of my freshman and sophomore year not being taken seriously. Debate and football was where all my time went.There is a definite upward trend however, and I'm poised for a 4.0 this semester (2nd -Jr). I'm successful at debate and passionate about charities (I'm not just saying that like some people do)</p>
<p>definitely raise the SAT score; you have good extracurriculars though (if it’s possible, try for being team captain of one of the sports you’re on – that’d definitely boost your app).</p>
<p>i take it that APs aren’t offered at your school, since you didn’t mention them? if you are in any AP classes make sure you aim for 5s on the tests.</p>
<p>that being said, i think no matter what you do yale would probably still be a reach with that GPA.</p>
<p>I don’t think the SAT score is as big of a deal, but the GPA definitely is going to hurt you. You’ll need to write a very convincing explanation that addresses your freshman and sophomore academic performance.</p>
<p>Being a minority will help you loads. Emphasize your hooks. Talk about experiences with narcolepsy in your essay. All in all, you’re not out of the ballpark yet.</p>