<p>so I was looking at the stanford site, and it said you could take summer classes there! That's awesome, but does anybody know any info on this? The process of taking classes there? and if you go to stanford or have gone to a summer class, can you tell me how it was?</p>
<p>if u can afford it, then go for it. As long as you pay for it, you can take the summer classes there.</p>
<p>is it expensive?</p>
<p>ask the school…not cheap at all</p>
<p>You can take summer classes anywhere. Any school allows you to do that so that they can get more money. In high school I took summer classes at Harvard, which turned out to be a lot of crap.</p>
<p>i looked into taking summer courses and was absolutely aghast at how much most schools charged…usually 1k-1.5k per credit seems, to me, absurd but i guess tuition in general is absurd</p>
<p>im not sure how it is at the ivys, but at UMD alot of professors take off in the summer…meaning grad students that would normally just be TA’s end up teaching some classes…so dont get your hopes up too much</p>
<p>You think there’s some secret information you won’t learn unless you take the class from a tier-1 school? Take the summer class at a local community college and you will guaranteed learn more in the smaller atmosphere for like a hundred dollars. Not to mention parking/traffic around stanford is a nightmare around class times unless you ride a bike.</p>