Stanfords Summer College and Barnards Summer In The City

My counsler recently informed me of this foundation for girls in the Midwest called the Joyce Ivy Foudnation. The foundation provide scholarships for summer colleges in Ivy League schools and is trying to get more girls interested in attending Ivy Leagues because there is a low population. I’m very interested and after looking through all the universities that work with the foundation, I’ve narrowed my top two down to Stanford’s Summer College and Barnard’s Summer In The City. All the threads I’ve found about these two are always concerning the cost but thats not really what I’m looking for considering I would get a pretty hefty scholarship if I was to be accepted in the Joyce Ivy Foundation. So what I’m initially looking for is really anything about these two programs- was it a good experience? What was it like? What did you do? Would you recommend it? Anything would be helpful! I just would like to know which one would be better suited for me

Where did you get the idea that there is a low population of girls attending the Ivy League? At most schools it’s 50/50. Also, I believe there are more females applying at most Ivies than males but I could be wrong about this.

I meant more girls in the Midwest, not really girls all together