<p>Hi CC,
I have started getting accepted to schools and now have to start narrowing down my list.</p>
<p>I have applied to the following:
University of Pittsburgh (accepted)
Michigan State University (accepted)
Truman State University (accepted)
James Madison University
SUNY Binghamton
Ohio State University</p>
<p>I am completely undecided in regards to major at this time.</p>
<p>As for money, I am trying to get everything (tuition, room and board,books) all for around $30,000 or less.</p>
<p>I live in PA (and MI for residency purposes)</p>
<p>I will graduate this year from a top 1000 school in PA </p>
3.5 Unweighted
3.8 Weighted</p>
Composite: 28 (28.25)
English: 28
Mathematics: 28
Reading: 27
Science: 30</p>
Outdoors stuff (hiking, camping, backpacking, skiing, and snowboarding)
Intramural sports</p>
<p>Anybody know anything or have any insights regarding these schools that might help making a decision any easier? </p>
<p>Thank you</p>
<p>You have lots of time to visit and think about what YOU like about each of these between now and May 1. Truly, there is no rush.</p>
<p>Besides, aren’t you waiting to hear about financial aid? That will factor into your decision.
Why did you choose those schools to apply to? What factors matter to you?</p>
<p>@happymomof1: i guess your right. I have visited a few of them over the summer so i do have a bit in regards to the campus feel. I guess ive just had my “pedal to the metal” the past couple of months trying to knock stuff off of the “college checklist”. I realize i do have to chill out a bit, buts its a bit tough when you are making a decision that will dictate your life for the next 4 yrs. I just want to do everything i can do to make the right decision.</p>
<p>Sent from my YP-G1 using CC</p>
<p>@beantowngirl: My family makes alot and i will probably not receive any need based aid. So as far as aid goes im really just gonna get merit aid, which most of these schools dont give much of (except truman and osu). And your also correct, i did apply to the places i did for specific reasons. Im just trying to gather as much as i can before christmas so i dont feel rushed when march comes around.
Sent from my YP-G1 using CC</p>
<p>What my son did was create a big spreadsheet, each column represented a factor like location, quality of food, selection of majors, cost after merit aid, etc. Next to each factor was a weight since obviously some factors are more important than others (e.g. food options less important than 5-year Master’s program).
Put the schools in the first column. Then start rating the schools for each factor. You may need to research a little more to rate some factors, but other things you already know. Just fill this in over time and do the math. It’s kinds fun. But it helps you remember all the factors that matter to you and it helps clarify your thinking. My husband and I made a copy of the spreadsheet and put in our own numbers too, just to see if we came up with a different “answer” 
It helped make obvious dropping a lot of schools, but it was hard to choose between the last two and it came down to a “gut feel” for my son at that point.
I know it easy for people to tell you to relax and not be stressed. But I suspect you chose schools that are all really great and that you would thrive at. So your probably can’t make a **bad **choice.</p>
<p>Thank you so much, thats a fantasic idea! Im gonna get right on that. Thanks for your help</p>
<p>Sent from my YP-G1 using CC</p>
<p>I wrote that backwards. First column was the list of criteria, second column weight of criteria, then other columns were the schools…</p>