<p>every Nepali students out here need information.
It like starting early is better than doing in hurry so here is my queries.
I just currently joined engineering college affilated to pokhara university. I have great passion for electrical engineering but the scope in Nepal is not to broad and good.i feel Doing engineering in nepal and doing job 4-9 is just to boring , i prefer doing Research work wihich is kinda complicated to do in Nepal . So every one out here give me some information about what should i do after i finish BE to get admission i best universities in US . And what should i do during my 4 yr engineering college .</p>
<p>You need top-notch grades consistently in your 4 years. After that, you need your professors to write great recommendations for you. And lastly, save up your money, it’s gonna be costly in the US.</p>
<p>Nobleflaire thanx for ur help. but about professors to write great recommendations may be in my college i guess there is no any professors my college is NCIT u may know.
how about i do Master’s in India or IOE nepal then apply for next master’s then would it be better .</p>