state school for free vs loans at better school

<p>hey guys. All of the schools i have applied to are mostly LAC's. And i'm going to be having to pay about 17-23000 in loans (all 4 yrs. combined). this seems like ALOT of money since i'm from a 1 income less than 40K a year family, but i feel like if i miss it and just go to my state school that i will really miss out. plus, its not like my state school is a great one, its not even in the top 30 public schools and is way too big for me (20000+ students). anyone else having the dilemma of going to a state school for free or going to a much better school with loans?</p>

<p>what state do you live in, what public school are you talking about?</p>

<p>the university of arkansas</p>

<p>U of Arkansas isn't so bad:
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
i don't know what your grades/SAT's are like and what you want to study.
under 25k in debt after going to a pricey liberal arts college doesn't sound so bad. alot of people come out with much more debt.
it really come down to the envirenemnt you're looking for and what you want to study.</p>