<p>I was just wondering how these honors programs work for state universities, especially u of pitt and u of wash. </p>
<li>So do you apply regularly and then get chosen for honors?</li>
<li>Or do you directly apply for honors? </li>
<li>Do they always offer scholarships?</li>
<li>If so how large …like knocking it down to in-state rates?</li>
<li>I heard you get priority for classes, but do you also get classes just meant for honor students only?</li>
<p>Each school has different policies. I think in pitt you can apply directly for the honors. But for the arizona state, for example, you have to get into the regular and then the honor school (Barrett, which is also pretty good honor school)
Also, most of the honors school gives scholarship to the honor students. But i think you have to have high SAT, GPA and class rank.
And there are many scholarships ranging from full tuition + room, board even free money to 1~5 thousand dollars.
Yes you can take classes for honors only and also take your class in your major with regular students</p>
<p>If you apply to U Washington online, there's a separate part of the application that you'll fill out for honors. My D's not applying for honors, so I haven't seen it/can't tell you anything else about it.</p>
<p>At SUNY schools, you can apply for honors program and honors scholarships during your senior year. They also chose students who performed extremely well their first and second semesters of their freshman year.
Registrar can give you details at any school.</p>
<p>My kid received an invitation to a SUNY honors college two or three weeks after getting his admission letter. The merit-grant letter came within a few weeks too, and was a significant dollar amount. When he took the ACT and did well, the grant was increased even more.</p>
<p>You are considered for the Pitt Honors program at the same time that your application is reviewed. Based on postings on Pitt in the past (my kid did not get a Pitt merit grant), Pitt does offer signficant merit grants to honor students.</p>