Statement of Purpose Critique

Hello everyone,

I am currently preparing to apply to graduate school for Professional Health Education. Specifically, I am looking to apply to Indiana University’s MPH in this field. The application requires a 600 word maximum statement of purpose, which I am hoping some of the more experienced writers can critique for me before I send it in. I hope to get my application in as soon as possible to increase my chances of being accepted, so this will be a great help for me. Thank you!

I am someone who has previously struggled with weight loss and management. In addition, I am living with a congenital heart defect, so living an active lifestyle is essential to my wellbeing. I have transformed my lifestyle while a student in college, and I want to use my education to teach others that it is possible to do the same. I also hope to be an inspiration to those who are currently trying to live a healthier lifestyle, especially adolescents and young adults. A Professional Health Education degree from the Indiana University School of Public Health will allow me to build on my personal experience and gain knowledge on how to implement education programs at any university or high school.

My main professional interests are nutrition and fitness education; as stated before, I am especially interested in educating high school and college students on how to make healthy choices during such a unique time in their lives. I hope to work in a university or high school health center, adolescent health center, health department, or as an independent health consultant who is invited to schools to educate about nutrition and fitness.

Indiana University has allowed me to thrive during my three years of undergraduate education. I have made the Dean’s List for the School of Public Health three of my four semesters, and currently maintain a 3.7 grade point average, all while participating in extracurricular activities such as Indiana University Dance Marathon and the Play for Jake Foundation Club. I believe I can be just as successful during my graduate education.

I am interested in attending Indiana University’s School of Public Health because of their Professional Health Education program. This program is one of a kind in the state of Indiana, and I believe it will give me the most opportunities to focus on my specific interests. In addition, I have built networking connections with several of my professors as an undergraduate student at Indiana University, and hope to continue working with them as I complete my graduate education. Specifically, I hope to be able to work with Dr. Shahla Ray throughout my graduate career; I took Dr. Ray’s Obesity and Health class in Fall 2014 and it inspired me to change my lifestyle and start learning more about nutrition and fitness, ultimately helping to guide me in the direction I am in now. I would not be able to find such unique and beneficial classes at another institution in Indiana, and truly believe Indiana University is the place for me to spend my years as a graduate student.

With my personal background in losing and maintaining weight while a college student and my education from Indiana University, I believe I will have the tools I need to be successful in any career I desire.

Hi! Remember that it’s always safer to send trusted users your essays through a private message than to post them on the thread like this. You want to avoid being plagiarized or looking like you plagiarized someone else. But I think that this is really good; you clearly articulated your reason for pursuing this degree and your career interests. And you did a great job of explaining why Indiana University is the best choice for you. Of course, more opinions are always good, but I have no critiques to offer you.