
<p>What are some helpful hints on how to survive Statics?</p>

<p>Getting close to a higher power. But seriously, the work you put in will reflect what you get out. It is a weeder class, so don’t get discouraged. Also, and this may sound like a ‘duh’ statement, but make sure you really know the material. Try to see the problem. If you have some specific questions the physics forum has a great section that people can help with homework too, so I would try there. Good luck</p>

<p>Do you understand why a door that says “pull” does not open when you push on it? Then you will be fine… It is not difficult.</p>

<p>The sum of all forces equals zero.</p>

<p>And, the sum of all moments equals zero.</p>

<p>I’ve tutored statics for about two years. The course is not too difficult and grasping it is useful for the future. You do not need to see 3-D. You will have to stay organized. You need to know the cross and dot product.</p>

<p>Some general steps I like to take are:

  1. Draw that picture. No, really, draw it. Don’t argue, draw it.
  2. Establish local and global coordinate systems.
  3. Label the forces moments, etc…
    –Understand HOW to deal with distributed loads and boundary conditions.
    –Totally understand shear forces, normal forces, moments
  4. Ultimately, everything sums to 0. Moments and forces.
  5. Establish positions and create position vectors.
  6. Then, as crappy as this will sound, solve the problem. You’re working with matrices, forces and moments, and combing them together is pretty much the key to statics.</p>