Hello I got (provisionally) admitted to CSUN, Cal Poly Pomona, Cal State Long Beach, and Cal State Fullerton for the Statistics major. I finished the math transfer degree and am finishing up classes at a community college.
Which school is better to go to? I am planning to commute. CSUN is closest to me but I saw that CPP or Long Beach may be the better school to go to. CSUF is very far from me and I might not go there due to the distance. How is the math/statistics program in each school? I might go to the actuarial route or perhaps teaching but still a little unsure.
So how far is the drive to CPP and CSULB? If you are near CSUN, the commute could be more than 1-1 1/2 hours to either CPP or CSULB. Do you really want to spend that much time commuting?
I would compare the major course curriculum for each school to determine any major differences.
Have you visited all the schools? I would plan a visit and get the “feel” for each.
Are the costs the same including costs for transportation?
There is no bad choice from the 4 schools so select the one that meets your academic, financial and social needs.
I think you’re right, CPP and Long Beach would be better academically.
How much longer would it be? Is there any “non driving” possibility?
If you’re able to concentrate tour classes to 3 days it at make commuting easier and the longer distance worth it?
One man’s opinion but, for me, the only bad choice here would be planning to commute too far and spending needless hours in the car to attend an incrementally ‘better’ school.
All 4 are good schools with solid reputations. with grad schools and so-cal employers,
You’d probably be better served attending the one closest to you (sounds like Northridge) and spending the 10+ hours a week you’d be commuting to another school in a club, internship or another way to get practical experience that will set you apart for your next step.
Difference in commute matters - so how much would it be?
I have not visited the schools yet. I might visit CSUN on March 28th. For CSUN it is 35 minutes away. For CPP and Long Beach they are roughly 50 or less minutes away. Fullerton is slightly more than an hour away and I don’t think I should go there. I originally considered it for the actuary or teaching option, but I realized it is far away.
hey @ mathcoral
I also applied and got accepted from a ccc to CSULB/CPP/SJSU for Statistics, only I’m going to CSULB since it’s closer for me to commute. Have you made a decision yet?
Also can you explain more about the actuarial job? I was thinking about being a government statistician but I hear actuarial jobs in industry pay more. Just wanted to see if I’m unaware of anything.
@mathcorral: I’d pick CPP or Long Beach if it weren’t for the commute Really not sure it’s doable.
@iridescentbeetle Hello I’m still unsure which school to go to. CSUN for me is closest. Long Beach is far. I know for sure CSUF has a math/actuary program but it is even further away from me.
I was planning to go to Cal Poly Pomona but they don’t count my transfer degree for the Applied Math/Statistics Major even though the other 3 schools do count it… For now they are still accepting me but it may take more than 2 years to finish in there.
I saw online that actuaries work in insurance. From what I gathered, they do seem to get paid more. They do not need a master degree however they have to pass a series of tests. They need 2 I think to start entry level. I’ve heard that the tests are expensive but companies may pay some of it. (It takes at least 6? years to pass all of them)
I seen that it may be better to major in Statistics than Actuary Science because there are more career options available. Although I wish I could take some actuary electives to help me out if possible.
Sorry for rambling. Please tell me more about government statistician! thanks