<p>My son is trying to decide between Tisch NSB and another smaller program. For the last several years, there seems to have been a lot of talk about Tisch not being as good as it once was, and that their program has slipped. More money thrown toward opening NYU's abroad universities, budget cuts, larger classes, not as prepared incoming freshman, etc., etc. Apparently the faculty and administration have been aware of a lot of these issues. I read a long thread from 2 years ago about all of these issues and the comparison of Tisch to other MT programs. I'm very curious if any things have changed since then? The first steps in improvement, are often being aware. In talking to a current Tisch student, (not MT), she loves Tisch! Says many acting kids will try to get into the NSB after their two year commitment to their studio, but she's never heard of any MT kids wanting to leave.</p>
<p>Any comments or new info would be great! May 1st is approaching quickly!</p>