Stay or Go ?

<p>Hi,I'm a current East los angeles CC international student and gonna get transferred to UC's (especially UCLA and CAL) within two years. But after I finished my first year in Elac, i found out that my math prerequisite wont be finished in time because Elac does not offer any Calculus class in winter or summer.Now I'm planning to:
Stay in ELAC, become a part time student of PCC and take class in both schools
( Is it possible for an international student to take class in both schools?
( Can I just take my math class in PCC only for winter and take no class for spring and fall?)
*Good:Easy to get an A
*Bad :Bad reputation due to Easy A</p>

Go to SMC and finish all the prerequisites in time
( my concern is is it really diffcult to take class in SMC?)
( I know SMC is really competitive, but is it that hard to get an A?)
*Good: More informations of transfer and more successful transfers
Campus should be better than Elac's
*Bad : Hard to get an A</p>

<p>So overall, Which plan would u choose? and Why?
Really appreciate for any suggestion!</p>

<p>you can take classes at pcc in the winter/summer. i have a friend who took classes at LACC in the winter and summer, and PCC in spring/fall. you should talk to a counselor before you make any decision.</p>

<p>as far as where to go, my advice is go to the place that’s closest to you without sacrificing too much on reputation (e.g. wlac, lacc, etc.)</p>

<p>i suggest taking option A.</p>

<p>seems like ELAC is closer to you.
i really dont think UCLA/CAL will care where you take calc. it still transfers over as credit and that is really all that matters. if PCC offers the easy A, take it! worker smarter not harder.</p>

<p>but if you dont learn anything from taking it at PCC…then take option B. id rather get a B in calc and know my stuff than get an A and going into UCLA/CAL doing upper div courses not knowing whats going on because i didnt understand basic calc.</p>

<p>so if PCC can teach you calc and you can get an easy A, i suggest you do PCC.</p>

<p>and yes SMC is very competitive, from what i know, it is the top transfer CC atm.
but that doesnt mean it gets “prioirty” admission over other CC’s.but there are agreements b/t SMC and UC’s (TAG/TAP) and other universities but as do PCC/mtsac etc.</p>

<p>Yeah, you can definitely take classes in 2 different colleges and transfer everything to UC. </p>

<p>I am also taking classes from ELAC and LBCC. But I know that if you are an international student, it requires more paper work to register in a cc. But you can definitely switch back and forward from different cc or take it at the same time, if you are allowed to.</p>