STEM major, took regular English class this year. What are my chances at colleges?

I am a sophomore and I want to major in a STEM field. I plan to take all AP classes other than english for the rest of high school. I took normal English this year, and although I plan to take AP English next year with some work over the summer, (assuming I would get into it, which I probably will if I get an A this year) I could possibly not take AP english for the rest of high school. I will continue to do robotics for all 4 years, and assume I get straight A’s, I will have 4.0 unweighted and 4.5 weighted, I do 2 clubs, and my practice ACT score was 31 (hopefully I can increase it a few points). If I take normal English 11th grade and 12th grade with all that, what would my chances be like at schools like UCLA or UC Berkeley?

Your chances at UCLA/UCB will be more dependent upon your UC GPA (10-11th grades for a-g courses), test scores, EC’s and essays more than not taking every AP class at your HS including English. Yes, HS course rigor is considered in the UC admissions process but you do not have to take all AP’s to show a rigorous schedule.

As an incoming sophomore, it is too early to asses you chances for Berk and LA but, no question here - take the regular English and pursue Robotics. you will be a more interesting applicant than someone who took the other course.