stereotypes of these colleges?

<p>i'm looking for the stereotypes, big pictures, etc of my long list of schools... i know stereotypes aren't always accurate, but i think for any stereotype there has to be kernels of truth. if you can give me any views of the school/stereotypes/etc of any of these schools it is greatly appreciated! thanks</p>

<p>loyola marymount
university of maryland
univ. of san diego
wake forest
claremont mckenna

<p>Take a look at Princeton Review.</p>


<p>Set it up like a game…name a school, give stereotype challenge to pick 3 things about the school, and have next person to pick another school for the following person…Like this:</p>

<p>Pomona: kids who researched their school well, - happy, smart, nice kids, - best school no one’s heard of</p>

<p>Stanford (your turn, or whomever reads this thread and wants to participate):</p>

<p>Stanford - ultra competitive school for really smart kids in the middle of nowhere; admissions all over the map (accepting kids with horrible SATs if they’ve, for example, published a novel…rejecting 2390s for no reason…)</p>

<p>Next: Dartmouth</p>

<p>Dartmouth- cold?</p>


<p>MIT - nerdy students; ugly students; lots of math; pocket protectors; no girls</p>

<p>I’m going to pause the game. For the sake of convenience to the OP, I’ll try to answer a lot of these:</p>

<p>Northeastern- co-op (“learn by working”) school in Boston; student body is pretty “normal”…lots of my friends who aren’t Ivy League material but still smart, responsible, nice guys want to go here</p>

<p>Wake- somewhat conservative “southern” student body, but trying to make itself seem more diverse, like a smaller, less research oriented version of Duke; one friend visited and said it felt a bit like a country club</p>

<p>UVa- large-ish public school; because Virginia has so many “Tiers” of public schools, you don’t get the “average” in-state students here, so it still feels like a competitive private; I visited…student body isn’t as “preppy” as some claim it is, though groups REALLY tend to self-segregate; beautiful campus, a true college town, kinda the archetypal college experience offered here</p>

<p>Duke- as mentioned before, a cosmopolitan (and liberal) oasis in the South; lots of research opportunities and lots of upper-middle class Yankees</p>

<p>Georgetown- another school only semi-accurately labeled as “preppy”; very goal-oriented students that are smart but not terribly intellectual (they care more about making money in the real world than they care about Plato); crowded “lived-in” campus is really homey and lively</p>

<p>Brown- the smartest, wildest hippies you’ll ever find mixed in with some ultrarich Rockefeller Republican types</p>

<p>Maryland- lots of above-average New Jersey kids who didn’t quite cut it for the selective privates</p>

<p>GWU- like Georgetown, but not as selective, prestigious, or competitive; while both G’town and GW attract politics nerds (you know, the ones who spend all there time at model un/congress), GW has more of them per capita than the more well-rounded Georgetown student body</p>

<p>Columbia- liberal smart kids, but more stuffy and subdued than Brown</p>

<p>Emory- lots of Jewish northerners who like warm weather and have the brains/grades/work ethic so they come here</p>

<p>Clemson- rising star amongst public schools, but still has a way to go before being deemed “top tier”; student body is Southern and religious but becoming more diverse each year</p>

<p>Barnard- Columbia girls…</p>

<p>That’s all I can help you with. Not familiar with the west. </p>


<p>thanks for all the help, i like the game idea (:</p>

<p>maybe i’ll continue with… usc?</p>

<p>pausing the game again :P</p>

<p>Well for most of these i know absolutely nothing but I’ll answer for ones I do. Most are probably not true but it’s what i’ve heard</p>

<p>tulane - i’ve always thought of tulane as really good but i heard its a party school
university of maryland - racist and cliquey students, above-average but not excellent
gwu - not a good enough school to justify the cost
berkeley - best public school, nothing bad i can say really
uva - second best public school
brown - pretentious students
columbia - very liberal atmosphere (not a bad thing imo :))
duke - cliquey, full of snotty rich kids
stanford - nothing bad to say about this one. except maybe URMs get too much of an edge in admissions compared to other schools</p>

<p>pitzer - hippie, alternative, very liberal
university of maryland - lots of commuters, big greek scene
ucsb - druggie culture on beach, beautiful campus, crummy housing
gwu - no campus
ucsd - great location, no social scene
uva - preppy, sports and greek oriented
barnard - backdoor to columbia
claremont mckenna - preprofessional, work hard, play hard
georgetown - preppy
ucla - stands for “u see lots of asians”
usc- bad neighborhood, not great academics
brown - very liberal,
columbia - pretentious, all about nyc
duke - heavily greek , sports focused</p>

<p>USC - that it’s public (it’s not), tough to get in, great film school</p>
