<p>So what are the most overgeneralized stereotypes about students in each school?</p>
<p>aem - ibanking wannabes
ilr - wannabe lawyers
arch - arrogant, think they're generally "a cut above" everybody else on campus (note: this is an observation, not a stereotype)
engineering - dorks, studyholics
cas - too diverse to generalize</p>
<p>premeds - doctor wannabes</p>
<p>"premeds - doctor wannabes"</p>
<p>That's not a stereotype. That's a definition.</p>
<p>Did you mean "biology majors = doctor wannabes?"</p>
<p>'Cause I'd have to agree with that... my friend says he just loves plant biology but that every time he tells someone he's a bio major they assume he's pre-med, which is frustrating.</p>
<p>pre-meds - cutthroat study-holics who have nothing unique about them except for their GPA.</p>
<p>theater majors - loose sexual behavior.</p>
<p>So, if I'm a pre-med who's also a theater major, does that mean I'll be a slutty doctor? sexy...</p>
<p>Hotelies - Stupider then everyone else, the equivalent of communication majors at other schools</p>
<p>AEM - Lazy</p>
<p>CompSci - dorkier then other engineers</p>
<p>Engineers - Poor personal hygiene </p>
<p>FGSS (Femine, Gender, Sexuality Studies) - Lesbians, of the dykier persuasion </p>
<p>Anyone who takes the course on Magic Mushrooms (it exists) - Hippie stoner</p>
<p>Everyone else - A diverse array of mark-ass marks, trick-ass marks, punk *****es, skig-skag skanks and scallywags, ho's, heifers, heehaws, and hoolihoos</p>
<p>Sounds like High School lol.</p>
<p>Engineering- nerds
ILR- awesome...and future lawyers
AEM- people who were too scared to be econ majors
Hotelies- dumb
Pre-meds- people whose lives suck; uber-competitive types
Human Development- people who were too scared to be bio majors but still want to be premed
PAM majors- My impression is that they all want to be ibankers but none of them seem to know what ibanking actually is
Hum Ec- I've heard a lot of people make fun of the school (and had the pleasure of taking a PAM class to witness the dumbness in action)..so I guess they're like a step above hotelies</p>
<p>"AEM- people who were too scared to be econ majors"</p>
<p>True. Or too lazy.</p>
<p>And I'm not convinced that pre-meds' lives are sooooo hard. They just whine a lot. If they spent more time studying instead of whining they wouldn't waste so much of their time.</p>
<p>why are the majority of current cornell students on this forum in ilr? Oh and bump the topic too. Great idea abanks.</p>
<p>I believe them majority of current Cornellians on this forum are ILR because ILRies tend to be big extraverts. ILR's admissions process focuses heavily on leadership, and that usually takes big personality. Additionally, our school is quite close-knit and our professors and advisors are very supportive, so we know how valuable good advice can be. Also, we're hot.</p>
<p>extremely hot.</p>
<p>its freezing in here</p>
<p>"Engineers - Poor personal hygiene"
LOL so true. i'm an engineer and the amount of greasy hair, smelly, long finger nails picking noses, overall gross kids coming to class is outrageous. engineering does have a decent amount of cute girls though and that goes overlooked all the time.
though AEM is generally perceived as a joke the kids in AEM are all pretty smart (the entrepeneur*? types - selling overpriced hockey tix to freshman, selling overpriced drugs to freshman, doing a lot of stuff on their own that isn't necessarily "good for their resume")
definitely agree with the arch stereotype - they all "seem" to be the snotty indie types who wear trendy scarves and probably belong in new york city.
just my opinions...fun thread.</p>
<p>all the drugs in Ithaca are overpriced, not just the ones sold by AEM majors</p>
<p>Good deals on weed can be had.</p>
<p>In the spring when it gets hot, some engineering classes smell like rotting garbage. You can even tell the racial make-up of the class by its oder. (Note I'm not saying that certain races smell more than others, I'm just saying white people BO is different from Indian which is distinct from Asian, etc)</p>
<p>Wow, that's funny stuff, mrnova.</p>
<p>Here's a fun game - ask someone you've just met what major/college you strike them as. If they say engineering, you've probably struck them as socially awkward or unkempt in appearance, in a nerdish kind of way. I started off in engineering, now am not, and at least now, never strike anyone as an engineer, woohoo! Also, though everyone *****es about their classes wayy too much, the content of classes is the dominant, daresay only, topic of many engineers' conversations. I know this is turning into a rant against engineers, but even if they're smart, they're rarely intelligent in conversation.</p>
<p>Sometimes people think I'm a hotelie, because I dress rather formally (oxford shirts and sweaters/sport coats to class).</p>
<p>Just browsing facebook, it seems like half of frat guys are AEM majors, it's weird.</p>
<p>hotelies-will you fluff my pillow for me?
ILR-ibanker wannabes
arch-overworked, no sleep
pre-meds-your life revolves around your GPA
<p>Emanuel: You strike me as a power bottom. Look it up prag.</p>