Stern ed

<p>I already have ED to Stern. Chances?</p>

<p>My stats
SAT: 1400
M: 750
R: 650</p>

Math IIC: 760
US History: 730</p>

<p>GPA Weighted: 4.1
Mostly A's and B's
Went from no honors to all honors and APs
currently taking 5 APs</p>

<p>About 300 hrs of volunteer work
VP of stock investment club
Manage a real stock portfolio (wrote my essay about experiences)
Basketball Coach
Published a yearly brochure where i managed funds and donations
Hospital Volunteer</p>


<p>bump again</p>

<p>cmon anyone</p>

<p>i think you have a pretty good chance at NYU stern</p>

<p>ED shows commitment obviously so the school will look at that with favor.</p>

<p>i think your GPA and SAT match the school perfectly, so that is good</p>

<p>a lot of volunteer hours looks good, which you have, so i think you have a great shot!</p>

<p>good luck :)</p>

<p>thanks, btw go yankees even though the next couple of years will be rough
any other opinions</p>

60 views 5 replies?</p>


<p>based on statistics, you have a good chance of getting in, tbh</p>