<p>hey guys what are your thoughts on going to stern purely to major in accounting cpa track, with NO finance. is it a waste of a stern education given accounting isn't a career that is predicated on school prestige and esp. given stern's finance ranking ? do you feel stern students should still be shooting for high finance roles (ibanking, s&t, equity analyst) even in the current economic climate?</p>
<p>I’m Stern 2013, although not Accounting. On the admitted candidate day in April 2007, one of the Stern speakers was a CPA/Partner at one of the major accounting firms. He said they recriut at Stern among other schools. I then saw him again October 2007 at Parents weekend. Apparently he has both undergraduate and graduate degrees from NYU. He said they solict Stern kids and parents for Alumni fundraisers. </p>
<p>In its most recent survey on research productivity in the U.S., the Chronicle of Higher Education, the leading news source for college and university faculty members and administrators, ranked Stern’s accounting department number 2 in the nation.
[Accounting</a> Department](<a href=“http://w4.stern.nyu.edu/accounting/]Accounting”>http://w4.stern.nyu.edu/accounting/)</p>
<p>My mom got her MBA in accounting from stern, and she said the program was strong, but most people go there for finance. A stern degree in anything looks good. I also think that in the current situation more people are going to become CPAs.</p>