Still a shot for a B+ student?

<p>Ok, while I do realize that there are tons of schools that will accept me with a 3.4/3.5 UW GPA. Syracuse, BU or Fordham for example (although Im not too sure about the latter).Hopefully "safeties" for me.</p>

<p>While those are fine institutions, I'd much rather attend something a bit higher in the top 100.
More along the lines of NYU, Emory, Carnegie Mellon, Boston Colllege and the highest reach at UChicago.</p>

<p>Although it is a B+ Unweighted GPA; which is like a 4.0 weighted. Also because my class of 700 is extremely competitive, rank is just so misleading that the school doesnt even do it.
+All Honors/AP through 9th-till now (Im a Junior). I'm taking 4 AP's now, and have scheduled another 4 for senior year.
+VERY highly respected HS in suburbs of Ny; highest amount of Intel semifinalists. Acceptance rate to NYU is almost 60% in past 2 years (71/120)
+Dec SAT = 2090.first time taking. aiming for 2150.
+one VERY unique EC, im not going to extrapolate since this isnt a full-fledge chance thread. but it is aligned well with my major, and highlights a bunch of skills .
+ Top Tennis player, I'm currently talking to NYU tennis coach through email. I'm easily going to be able to play at the D3 level, I'm just unsure about how much it'll help me get my foot in the door. </p>

<p>so, how much would my "weak" GPA affect me in admissions to schools like NYU, Carnegie Mellon, BC, Emory and as a mega reach, Columbia and UChicago</p>

<p>Colleges examine GPA in the context of how the school itself grades students. GPA matters, but I don’t know much about your school so I’m not going to make any guesses.</p>

<p>Ask your guidance office; they would be best to tell you how other students with your grades have done in the college process…if your HS is a feeder school to any of the schools on your list, it could really help you…</p>