Still haven't heard about scholarships...

<p>I got accepted to UMich on Dec. 23rd, but i still haven't gotten any letters regarding scholarships. did the people who are being considered for scholarships get letters telling them to apply already? does this mean i'm not getting any scholarships??</p>

<p>Yes someone please help us out! I am in the same boat and I just sent an email to the admissions office. Please please respond. Accepted in November</p>

<p>My friends were accepted in September and got some scholarships in the end of December (almost like a Christmas gift). Last week, she also got notified that she’s eligible for more scholarships. So, it does take time for UMich to process your application through financial aid. So, just be patient.</p>

<p>The UM website mentions the end of January as when a “majority” of merit scholarships are offered. Which is not to say additional ones won’t be offered in Feb. and March (eg. those that have scholarship offers now have been asked to enroll by Feb. 15 to hang onto the scholarship…so if they don’t enroll and go somewhere else, possibly that frees up another round of offers.)</p>

<p>That said, other forms of “gift money” that UM gives are “need informed” and offered by the departments themselves. Or added as a grant to the financial aid package. So, there are lots of different ways to receive benefit and in general you won’t entirely know where you stand until March-April financial aid packages are offered. </p>

<p>Make sure you’ve submitted your FAFSA and CSS in the mean time…since <em>some</em> of the scholarships are “need-informed.” Make sense?
Good luck.
Cheers, K</p>