Still no interviewwwww!!!!!!

<p>When is the interview deadline? I still haven't gotten an interview. Will this reduce my chance of acceptance??</p>

<p>yeah i haven't received one yet either, they seem very vague about their interviews, they told me they're only avaliable if there is an alumni person there to do one but even then you still might not get one. so then its not going to hurt you if you dont get one</p>

<p>CC deadline isn't for another 10 days... i just got 2 last-minute interview assignments.</p>

<p>They say not haveing an interview will not negetivwely affect you, but since those with interviews are more likely to be possitively affected by the interviews, won't people who don't get interviews have a lower chance of acceptance by comparison?</p>

but since those with interviews are more likely to be possitively affected by the interviews,


<p>That's not necessarily true.</p>

<p>I applied to SEAS, and I still haven't gotten one. Hmm..</p>

<p>I'm in Atlanta, and I was sent a huge group e-mail about the interview and just had my interview last weekend along w/ all the other Atlanta applicants--it seems they do them in bunches (almost like a food-processing factory...) but have you tried to contact them or check the website to see who the alum is that is in charge of your zone?
Good luck!</p>

<p>Call admissions and ask for one.</p>