Stop Mailing Stuff to My House!

If I had kept every mailer sent to one my twins through this college process I could have stacked them higher than my house. We got more unsolicited from colleges we had never contacted than solicited (Thanks, College Board for being a non profit yet selling your mailing list). There has to be a way to stop these to save me the time, the colleges the money and the earth the paper. Another thing, not a single one of these affected by kid’s choice of school. Alabama is more prolific than most and has kept sending two of everything to us.

Didn’t you check mark the box when doing the college board for SAT?

Yes, evidently that does not stop the College Board from sharing. They have three dozen employees making over $350,000 a year and a half billion in the bank so I guess they are struggling for dollars.

Weird, I don’t get stuff anymore.

LOL. University of Chicago is the worst at our house… DS19 doesn’t look at the mailers either.

Chicago is crazy! So many large glossy mailings. We are saving them all to have a large bonfire when we go camping next summer after D has made her decision.

@MichiganGeorgia Kids in 2018 are not looking at mailers so I do not see the point.

Actually, my daughter did get briefly interested in a college we had never heard of from a mailer. Turned out not to be at all right for her, but she did look them up.

It stops when you’ve been in college for a few months. Then ou take the GMAT or GRE and then ou get grad school fliers

The email is even worse. So glad that I saw advice about creating a new account just for college junk mail. She’d never get her emails if they were bombarding her real email account.

And Alabama has this weird thing where they email things to your Crimson email address upon acceptance. You get an email account when you apply. Yet my daughter never thought of checking it. Until she checked on the website to see the status of her application and noticed that she was accepted. She was wondering why she never received an email from them. But instead of sending her acceptance email to the address she entered on the application, they sent it to her Crimson email address. Same with her Honor acceptance. No notice to her regular email account, only her Crimson account.