<p>Just getting ready to purchase under bed storage boxes and was wondering what size bins I can put under the bed. I plan on packing my clothes in the boxes and driving them up from N.J. According to Residential Life, "bed frame is reversible. It can be flip-flopped to be whatever height you like. The mattress will lay on either side of the platform. For extra storage under your lower bed, you might want the longest bedposts facing towards the floor; to have your bed lower, place the shortest bed posts towards the floor."
Anyway I can get the dimensions so I know how high the bed is raised? or can I get bed risers?</p>
<p>UM</a> Undergraduate Housing - Outfitting your Student Room</p>
<p>First picture gives you a decent visual of the bed, and how much space there is underneath. I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to get bed risers.</p>
<p>I know this might seem petty..but there seems to be several heights to storage bins, and I was told to find the measurement under the bed before I order them. Is there any way to find this out? Thanks.</p>
<p>I went to Bed Bath and Beyond and bought bed risers. I wouldn't expect the beds to be raised more than 6-8 inches without risers.</p>