Strategies for Science Section

<p>Which book has the best strategies for the Science section?</p>

<p>I think all of the books are going to tell you to go straight to the data to find trends, and then go to the questions. It is very difficult to read all of the text presented, and still have time answer all of the questions accurately.</p>

<p>None have any good strategies. It’s just logic and not reading the passages unless you have to.</p>

<p>Yeah, science is tough.</p>

<p>Honestly, I just go straight to the questions. I takes a few questions for your brain to become acclimated to the procedure/data, but after that you can really fly through the sections.</p>

<p>I’ve had good results with this strategy.</p>

<p>Glance at the paragraphs and attack the problems- the charts and graphs are where you’ll find most of your answers. Did this and got a 33 on the science section.</p>