<p>hi i am a general enginnering major at Virginia tech considering both industrial and systems engineering or mechanical enginnering. </p>
<p>Also here is the course load for ISE for my school. <a href="http://ise.vt.edu/futurestudents/checksheet2008.pdf%5B/url%5D">http://ise.vt.edu/futurestudents/checksheet2008.pdf</a></p>
<p>Here is the course load for mechanical
<a href="http://www.registrar.vt.edu/forms/degree/COE_me_09.pdf%5B/url%5D">http://www.registrar.vt.edu/forms/degree/COE_me_09.pdf</a></p>
<p>ise is ranked 6th and mechanical 13th</p>
<p>I am not sure which will lead me with more options in the long run. options meaning both engineering and business or other routes. </p>
<p>Could someone please evaluate the courses or tell me what my job prospectives are?</p>
<p>thank you</p>
<p>Since when do courses dictate exit opportunities? Listen, nobody really cares that you've taken Advanced Thermodynamics 2 for Graduate Students. Don't stress too much about curriculum. Go with what you prefer. Mechanical engineering has more topics on fluids/thermo, while ISE generally has more courses in operations research/applied math.</p>
<p>I’m a senior at VT in ISE and I would say go the ISE route… great job opportunities when you graduate and the professors are great. If you like more sitting in front of a computer design work, go with ME, but if you are more interested in working with different teams, maybe going into consulting or operations, go with ISE.</p>
<p>ME and IE both offer job opportunities in many different industries, but the job functions will be far different. If you have interests in business and see yourself going that way in your career, IE is a great way to go. Plus, the last time I checked, bls.gov(bureau of labor statistics) said that IE had job growth second only to biomedical engineering, whereas many engineering fields are slimming down due to outsourcing.</p>