<p>In terms of strength of schedule, should I be fine taking 8 AP's, the rest being honors classes? I'm currently a junior and still deciding on whether to take a 9th, AP Literature. </p>
<p>The 8 are the following:
10th grade:
AP U.S. Government</p>
<p>11th Grade:
AP U.S. History
AP Chemistry
AP English Language</p>
<p>12th Grade:
AP Calculus BC
AP Statistics
AP Biology
AP Physics C
(maybe AP Literature)</p>
<p>how many APs does your school offer? Generally, I think that you’ll be okay as long as the honors classes aren’t considerably easier than the APs.</p>
<p>and, by the way, how was GoPo??? :)</p>
<p>My school offers about 15ish AP classes, but three of them are foreign language classes that I can’t take. I have taken Spanish since starting high school, and two other AP’s are AP French and AP Latin. </p>
<p>For me, in AP GoPo, our teacher made the class exponentially harder than it had to be. I ended up getting a B
in the class, the only B in an academic class I’ve gotten so far, but once the national exam came, I breezed through it and got a 5.</p>