Stress and Senoir year

Hello, I am an International student (living in Ireland) and will start my school in 2 days. I am dreading it :frowning: My year is one of the most competitive from the whole school, like the girls (i go to an all girls school) are very smart and involved. I am so stressed about college app as I want to apply to the US as well ( i will apply to Irish unis too) and stressed about starting the last year ;(…idk what to do about this stress and idk how to change this negative energy into a positive one…

I have no idea why I am convinced that i will mess up my last year :frowning: any advice? is anybody else going thru this existential crisis? I want to do medicine and the whole stigma around this also makes my sad…like how you need Top 10% grades to get in and average students have no chance …anybody in this situation?

Senior * Ugh! in my rush I made mistakes :frowning: