Stress is building waiting for ED decision

Thank you everyone :blush:. If I posted a list on this thread with my stats and potential schools, would that be ok?


Gpa: 4.0 uw 4.88 w
Applying TO to most schools except safeties
Camp counselor for 3 years , connecting that to wanting to major in psychology
Cornell research program - had a mentor who was a psych grad student
babysitting for 6+ years
church volunteering (organized and ran kids games at a festival, etc)
8 aps, 12 honors classes
choir and band 9+ years
band section leader, choir president, + other leadership positions in both
NY resident

Bowdoin (a big reach)
Colgate (maybe EDII?)
Connecticut College
Cornell University (college of human ecology for human development)
middlebury, possibly?
suny binghamton
university of michigan
university of vermont
vassar (met w the president, rly liked her and the school. trying to decide EDII between here or colgate)
probably a couple other SUNYs as safeties (geneseo, cortland)

any advice? thank you for all the help, i really appreciate it.

imo, being torn between Colgate and Vassar says you don’t really know either of them. The student experience is meaningfully different. Dig a little deeper.

What were the top 3 specific elements that made the first school be your ‘absolute dream school’?


Do you have any financial constraints? Can you afford to be full pay at over $80,000 per year without taking on any debt at all?

My biggest advice is to get your applications in to at least two in-state safeties ASAP. From what I have heard the SUNY’s are very good, although I do not know the differences between them.

My other advice is to think carefully about what would make a university a good fit for you.

hi, thank you so much for the advice and sorry for such a late reply. i’ve been busy doing schoolwork and college applications and researching schools.

ive definitely changed my list a little. the top things that drew me to tufts were it’s human development program, allergy accommodations (i have celiac disease), and location (wanted to be near or in boston, but this isn’t really a deal breaker) and research opportunities, also more liberal artsy schools but not a dealbreaker

i’m debating if i want to do ed2 to anywhere but for now i might not.

i’ve applied to a couple safeties already (suny binghamton and suny geneseo uvm)
other schools:

cornell (amazing human development, gf dining hall, discounted tuition)
boston u (hd + education program, plus boston!!, i’ve heard good allergy accommodations)
connecticut college (hd)
wesleyan (good psychology, liked the student body vibe if that makes sense)
yale (a long shot i know)
umich (great psychology + love ann arbor)
skidmore (liked the campus! plus developmental psychology concentration looked cool)
oberlin (my mom wants me to apply here lol)
vassar (toured, i liked their research opportunities)
colgate (again my mom wants me to apply lol)

thanks to everyone again!