Student Basketball Tickets

<p>Well got an email from the athletic department today. Looks like Bball tickets are going to be sold in the same manner as football/hockey tickets. On September 8th they will be doing a first come first come lottery again. The catch here is that students can only get 1/2 season tickets and half to choose either 1st or 2nd half of the season. Also, lower tier sitting is available first come first serve so no more lottery on that.</p>

<p>What do you guys think about these changes?</p>

<p>I have mixed feelings on this. On the one hand, I think first come first served is good for purchasing tickets, though I have a feeling the server will likely go down again. Also the 1/2 season package doesn't sound that appealing. It serves more students, but come on...</p>

<p>Honestly, this is awesome because you don’t have to go into the season with the set group of friends or group like you did on previous years. It’s a voucher system like football, so it literally is first to arrive for each game gets the best seats. Also, you can change up who you go with every game since you get actual tickets upon arriving at the arena. In the past, you had to “enroll” for tickets with a group of people, up to 4, and it was a pain in the butt to coordinate. </p>

<p>Also, the half-season isn’t that big of a deal this year. I’ll be (hopefully) getting tickets for 1/2 season, then buy the other 1/2 season from a student who just bought them to sell them. It used to be worthless to buy a ticket package from other students because you couldn’t sit with your friends and were relegated to wherever their tickets were situated seating wise.</p>

<p>All around, I’m ecstatic about these changes for basketball. New students have no idea how horrible it’s been in the past few years. This is awesome.</p>