Student hang out areas?

<p>DH and DS made a very fast visit to UA to get a tour in earlier this year. What their time crunch didn’t allow for was exploring off campus much if any…now DS is wondering if there are any areas around campus that are similar to what we’ve experienced around UIUrbanaChampaign? I haven’t been down…so don’t know what to tell him…then thought of this board : ). He has a friend telling him great things about A&M’s “fun” stuff…and want a fair shot for Alabama!</p>

<p>Okay… I found this link <a href=“”>;/a&gt; (but not really into bars), and this info on another board…“Tuscaloosa might not be the biggest city, but it is one of the most unique I’ve ever been to. We have three different downtowns (the Strip, Tuscaloosa, and Northport), all with different shops, restaurants, museums, and theaters to offer. There is a beautiful riverwalk and a preserve called Moundville, a former location of various Native American tribes that hosts festivals and year round. There is always something to do on campus, and game day weekends are insane and steeped in culture, tradition, and rowdiness.”</p>

<p>Does anyone know about gaming stores/clubs? Thanks!
And…has anyone taken a role playing class like UH210 Reacting to the Past?</p>

<p>UA gamers find community in student group, outlets</p>

<p><a href=“Announcements for 7/22/2010 - The Crimson White”>Announcements for 7/22/2010 - The Crimson White;

<p>My son is a big Magic the Gathering fan so he visited the local gaming store “Crimson Castle” to play while we were down visiting. Said it was very nice. Also an active gaming club on campus. </p>

<p>My D is active with the gaming club on campus. They meet every Wednesday night (for table top/card games and handheld) and usually every other Friday night for a big gaming night that includes both table top, handheld and console games.</p>

<p>Thanks!! That helps!</p>

<p>There is also a group that meets on Saturday evenings for gaming. My son does the Wed & Saturday groups and likes them both.</p>

<p>Hmmm from my son’s experience at UIUC, I didn’t know there were any hang out places other than bars and the basketball arena. :-)</p>

<p>If you’re talking about where you’ll see kids sitting around and talking…When I’m in Ttown, I see kids hanging out at the various places in Midtown Village, Downtown, and of course, The Strip. They’re in 5 Guys, Chipotle, outside of Coldstone, Buffalo Phills, bars, etc.</p>

<p>I appreciate the shared experiences. DH and oldest S both attended UIUC, so that’s our only real school to compare to that the youngest S has spent time visiting. We’re trying to offer responses to what we hear him saying…at the heart of it is, I think, going somewhere…knowing no one. Both boys had positive things to say about the comments you all have posted. Thanks! </p>

<p>Since he’ll know no one, I strongly suggest that he sign up for either Outdoor Action or Alabama Action. It seems to be the instant solution to the “know no one” issue. Friendships are made quickly.</p>

<p>To the others:
What is the name of the Gaming Club on campus?</p>

<p>ABXY is UA’s gaming club.</p>

<p>Thanks SEA_Tide</p>

<p>If he is in the Honors College, they have weekly “coffee” talks at RCS on Tuesday nights. My son came from a small OOS high school. He did not know anyone. He adjusted fine. Personally, I think he should go out more, but he is comfortable, keeps busy and has made friends.</p>

<p>The other gaming club is called 3-D Board Gaming </p>