<p>I'm staying in a double and living in a dorm on campus. On my student invoice, my housing board is $5,545. My friend is also staying in a double and her housing board is lower than this. I believe it is $1800, or something like that. My grand total for the entire Fall semester is $14,780.71 and I am an in-state student. Does anyone else have a housing board this high? I was wondering if this was normal...</p>
<p>There’s no way that housing + board costs $1800 per semester if she’s living in a dorm. The lowest rate is $2300 per semester, and that’s living in Northwood III…</p>
<p>[2010/2011</a> Undergraduate Housing Rates | University Housing](<a href=“Michigan Housing”>Undergraduate Room and Board Rates – Michigan Housing)</p>
<p>Her board is $1800 but her housing is $2,791. Total of $4,591 for one semester. On my invoice, board is $5,545 and my housing is $2,791. Total of $8,336 for housing and board for only the fall semester.</p>
<p>That’s ridiculous. What dorm are you staying in?</p>
<p>Hmmm…that’s weird.</p>
<p>That obviously isn’t correct. You should definitely give housing a call.</p>
<p>Never mind. I figured out the problem. I completed a couple of room swaps so I was charged multiple times for housing board! Anyone who participated in a room swap should make sure they weren’t charged multiple times as well. I will call the office of financial aid and get this resolved as soon as possible. Thank you be_somebody and futurestudent01!</p>
<p>Haha, that explains it. Glad to hear you got it figured out!</p>