Study Abroad?

<p>I've been looking at the study abroad options, and some of them sound really interesting. I have a few questions, though.</p>

<p>1) Does study abroad (for a semester or a year) make it difficult to graduate on time?
2) How does financial aid for study abroad work?
3) Can you usually attend the program you want, or is competition fierce?</p>

<p>my thought ;</p>

<p>1) yes, it will make it difficult to graduate on time 'in general'
of course you can graduate on time if you have some AP/IB/CC credits. or if you do study-abroad at certified universities or something like that, then you can transfer that credits to duke</p>

<p>2) i heard, but didnt ask further, if you are eligible for finaid, Duke provides fin aid for study abroad as well.</p>

<p>3) i dont know much about this. (i guess it's really upto colleges you are looking at.)</p>

<p>1) Study abroad (through a Duke-in-wherever) program is essentially taking Duke classes with Duke professors that count for your major, GPA, matrix requirements, etc. Therefore, it's the same as taking classes in Duke, so no, you will see no problems with graduating on time. Usually, though, most students finish their matrix requirements through Curriculum 2000 early on in their Duke careers (sometimes, in my case, without knowing I really have), so by the time of junior year when you're going abroad, you're just tieing together loose ends and also-- dealing with your major. With some majors, if you go abroad and don't take summer classes, you WILL be behind. I know a chem major who can't go abroad for this reason. Going abroad through an accredited non-Duke program is a little bit trickier, because Duke just accepts the credit & the fact that you took the courses, but nothing is factored into your GPA. This is a good way to finish up requirements you didn't want to take at Duke. (Usually the schools you'd go through are MUCH easier than Duke anyway, and many times, students just try and do the bare minimum required of them to pass, seeing as how Duke doesn't factor in what you earn in the class). BUT! Since it's not Duke, if you're taking classes within your major, you have to be very sure if the classes count towards your major. Some majors have limits as to how many outside credits you can have count toward your degree. I know in many cases, the number is very low (like 1 or 2 classes). </p>

<p>2) Your financial aid counts through a Duke program.</p>

<p>3) You can usually attend the program that you want. Competition usually isn't too fierce. Unless you're seriously below the 3.0 GPA minimum for Duke programs, you should be accepted, or at least stand a good chance at it.</p>

<p>Thanks! Does summer study abroad count for credit/requirements or just extra classes?</p>

<p>Summer study (whether at Duke or a Duke summer program abroad) can count for credits or requirements.</p>