<p>I've been unable to concentrate lately, and whether that is the result of too much stress from AP classes with SAT's or just ADD/ADHD getting to me that I haven't found out about yet, I need some study aids before I flunk my classes</p>
<p>What kinds of study aids do you guys use? Ear plugs? Music? Energy drinks such as Red bull? Caffeine pills like No Doz? Ritalin?</p>
<p>Ear plugs? No.</p>
<p>Music? Yes.</p>
<p>Energy drinks such as Red bull? No.</p>
<p>Caffeine pills like No Doz? No.</p>
<p>Ritalin? No.</p>
<p>mine is rather wierd..what i do is i keep a glass of ice water next to me when im studying and just keep taking drinks. for some reason in seems to keep me awake and focus.......another common one alot of my friends use is bubble gum. good luck!</p>
<p>I actually listen to old 80s metal, like Metallica (not the hair bands like Poison), the faster hard stuff that has intricate structure (Iron Maiden, not AC/DC's three chords!), and can block out anything else and really concentrate. Even when doing pre-cal. I can fall asleep to it blaring, too.</p>
<p>Strange but effective! Unless, of course, you hate metal.</p>