Studying at Penn

<p>I was just wondering how hard the courses at Penn are. I know that this is a fairly arbitrary question, but I'm asking in regards to the grading system. I read somewhere that Penn professors grade on a curve, which makes getting good grades really difficult since you could get a 90 on a test and still get a C. Does anyone know if this is true and if studying at Penn is really that difficult?</p>

<p>there are several threads on this topic already</p>

<p>but in a nutshell: the curve is generally fair enough in that the average is set to a b or b-, and then one standard deviation below or above is a c or a.</p>

<p>realistically a 90 on an exam earning you a c would never ever happen, so don't sweat it.</p>

<p>honestly if you prepare well given the material you have on hand, you shouldn't have inordinate trouble getting an a or b.</p>

<p>tenebrous what kind of pace are the classes taught it, more specifically math courses?</p>

<p>I dunno if this is true, but I heard the scale mostly weights in your favour, but I heard this at Penn Previews so take it with a grain of salt.</p>


<p>fast enough i suppose</p>

<p>check out the math syllabi (on the right)</p>

<p>Undergraduate</a> homepage</p>