Style Computer...

<p>Ender- you could always buy a stylish silver notebook from Apple..... iBooks start at $999, Powerbooks start at $1499 and are well equipped. If you want the color though, I believe Dell makes colored notebooks.</p>

<p>Yeah. I know Macs pretty well, but I'd really rather buy a PC notebook. I really like the look of the colored Voodoo notebooks, I was just wondering if I could buy a Dell, Compaq, or some other brand and have it furbished with a custom case.</p>


<p>Ugh, don't buy HP/Compaq...really, if you like computers build your own...go to <a href=""&gt;;/a> or <a href=""&gt;;/a> and they have everything you need. Plus if you need help go to <a href=""&gt;;/a> or some of those other technical sites and read their guides to bulding computers. I'm going to build my own and for what I'm getting I'm saving about 700 dollars, plus it's more reliable and longer-lasting than a dell or compaq, and probably even a Mac.</p>