<p>I have a problem. I only took one subject test and it was in my worst subject....math. I took the math 1 exam and only scored a 660. My SAT score is a 2120 on the bright side, but my worst score is math. I only got a 680 on the actual SAT math section. </p>
<p>Will this hurt my chances at competitive schools like Johns Hopkins and Cornell or are the subject tests just formalities? Do I have a chance with a 660 or is it too low?</p>
<p>A 2120 is excellent.
Always remember that Cornell will not only focus on your SAT scores but also the subjects you have taken up and your outside class achievements, community service and so on and so forth.
660 is not so bad. If you have time, work a little harder and try giving it again.
Cornell mainly focuses on Math and CR. Writing is not that of a deal.</p>
<p>I am not sure of your status. Are you saying you are a senior now and have already applied and are awaiting a decision, or are you a junior now who won’t be applying until next fall. Also, have you applied for or are intending to apply for engineering or science (that seems possible because you mention Hopkins).</p>
<p>If you have already applied and are awaiting decision then be aware that at Cornell you are likely to be rejected simply for failure to submit the required number of subject tests, two. Thus, for it your math 1 score makes little difference because you are not likely to be considered for admission. Hopkins does not require any subject tests but recommends three and considers any submitted. If you have applied for engineering or science, your math scores will be the more important scores and yours are not stellar for Hopkins but they are not terrible either.</p>
<p>If instead you are a junior, then the obvious solution is to take more subject tests and try to get higher scores. If you want to apply to Cornell or Hopkins for science or engineering you may want to consider another math test.</p>
<p>Sadly, I am a senior who has already applied to those schools. In fact I’ll get my decision in 3.5 weeks. I did not apply as an engineering major to any of those schools because my math scores are low and because subject tests are required. I instead applied to a science major, which at both schools does not require subject test score submissions, however they are recommended.</p>
<p>You say you applied for science at Cornell and subject tests were not required. That would mean you applied to the Agricultural and Life Sciences College. You do have a chance for that since its admission stats are usually a little lower than University as a whole and your. Math 1 score will be used only if they conclude that it helps you.</p>