I got a 1570 on my SAT and 35 on my ACT and I see that they are pretty much equal scores when converted, so I’m wondering if I should submit one or both (and which I should submit if I have to choose). Some sites say colleges don’t like seeing both and some say it makes me look well-rounded. I’m really lost, does anyone with some experience with the college admissions process want to give their input? Any information is much appreciated.
Thank you!
Another factor to consider: How many times did you take each test? This may be important if you are applying to schools that require full test history. For example, if you got your SAT score on the fourth attempt but nailed your ACT on the first try it would be better to send only the latter.
If they’re both from the first attempt, you can send both. If you took each test multiple times, beware of submitting both because it would suggest a fixation with testing. But don’t spend too much time agonizing over ACT vs SAT or worrying about how a 1570 compares to a 35–that would be obsessing over details that no longer demand attention and nitpicking over trivialities. Don’t listen to anybody who claims two test scores make anybody seem “well-rounded.” To the contrary, it only confirms what the concordance tables already show–the two scores are essentially equal. Well-roundedness is demonstrated by many factors in addition to test scores.
You have two very good scores (congrats!) and it’s time to move on to more important aspects that really personalize your application. Test scores don’t do that.
@jiminnyoo If finances are a factor, remember that you can send all scores (or exercise score choice if your target schools permit) for a single fee. I believe that ACT charges a fee for each sitting. However, if money is no object, sending both would show consistency across different test formats.
Thank you all for your thoughtful replies! All your input is helping a lot and I’ll take all your comments into account.
1570 on the concordance is a 36!?
But I would still send both. This way they know it’s not a fluke and you challenged yourself twice.
Hope the rest of your application is this strong. This is just one factor but…awesome job!