So I submitted my common application to William and Mary a few hours ago and I realized after pressing that submit button that I forgot to make a small change on the activities section. I had 40 weeks/ year and 2 hrs/ week for a certain activity. I meant to go over it and change the number to 20 weeks/ year and 3 hours/ week before submitting the application but I goofed up. I sent an email asking W&M if it’s possible to fix this error somehow. Does this slip up affect my chances of getting into the college in any way?
Thanks and Happy New Year
No. They probably dont care.
No, it shouldn’t affect your chances. Admissions officers will understand you made a human error.
Nope, it should be fine. It was a small misstep and you messaged them to clarify your mistake, you’re fine! When I submitted my application, afterwards I noticed my essay had a few misspellings and at one point accidentally compared myself to a potato when I meant to say something completely different. Good thing admissions caught on to what I meant to say and had a sense of humor.
Edit: Hey, I just saw that you said you applied to William & Mary! That’s where I am now. You good
thanks for all the responses! I appreciate the answers