Submitting SAT scores

<p>So I'll be an incoming senior, and to my understanding, most deadlines are around November 30. Would it be stupid to take the December SAT if I want to retake my subject tests? I've heard deadlines for SATs were at the end of january, but no one has given me a clear answers. Does it just depend on the colleges?</p>

<p>Thanks =]</p>

<p>For RD, colleges will accept up to and including December test scores. A few will accept January scores if they are retakes (i.e. you cannot take the SATI for the first time in January) RD deadlines are typically around Jan 1, plus or minus 2 weeks.</p>

<p>For EA/ED, colleges will accept October scores, and some will accept November scores.</p>

<p>I would not wait until December to write the SAT for the first time; a retake would be fine though.</p>