Submitting Scores

<p>I am going to send in my ACT and SATII scores, but people say that your SAT scores will also be sent in with SATII scores. My SAT scores are pretty mediocre(2000) so will colleges use my SAT score even if it is lower than my ACT,33?
BTW, should I retake my ACT for schools like duke, cornell?</p>

<p>You should send both your SAT and ACT scores. Because now there is something called score choice, many colleges will now take your highest score (in this case, your ACT score).</p>

<p>33 on the ACT is very good already. Maybe you should look at their statistics and see if a score of 33 is good enough to apply for those schools. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

anyone else have suggestions? I heard many schools don’t have score choice like cornell
do you think they will weigh in such a bad sat score?</p>

