Question about having sent ACT and SAT scores

<p>My son was not even planning on taking the ACT. However we did not feel his SAT score of 2060 was really representative of his ability so we tried the ACT. He ended up scoring a 34 composite.</p>

<p>He has applied to two reach schools; Cornell and Duke. Unfortunately we had already sent the SAT as part of the free option when he registered for the SAT's. His most recent score was the October ACT which was the 34.</p>

<p>Do you think the above two schools will hold his SAT scores against him? I know they say they take the score that gives him the best possible chance at admission but I guess I am feeling uneasy about it now.</p>

<p>Anyone have an opinion?</p>

<p>Definitely send in the 34 ACT score. It will only make his application look stronger. Schools like Cornell and Duke don’t have time to spend hours picking apart applications. They will see both the SAT and ACT score, and focus on the higher ACT score. They also realize that some kids simply score better on one test or the other. They will look at the higher score in conjunction with the other application factors. At schools like Cornell and Duke it is not one piece of information like a test score that will make or break an admission application.</p>

<p>Spinart, thank you for your advice!</p>