<p>(saw this on the thread "war on frat culture" and posted there also)
I saw that a dorm at Tulane offers the same option as the dorm mentioned at Penn State in "war on frat culture" site. (a dorm for students who pledge not to use alcohol, tobacco or drugs in their living space) Do you know anything about it? alongfortheride and concerneddad, I know your Ss live in a different dorm, but thought you might have info. Thanx!</p>
<p>Students that live in the substance free housing at Tulane pledge not to partake in any alcohol, tobacco, or drug in the dorm or any other time. If a students comes home after partying, that would be the same as using inside the dorms. </p>
<p>Most colleges now have a substance free dorm or at least a substance free floor. Many schools also have quiet floors for those that don't like to hear music blasting at 3:00AM</p>
<p>Thanks, pokey. Did your student have any experience with or friends who lived in this dorm?</p>
<p>My son has made friends in the substance free dorm. I really don't know much about it. I do know that my son and his roomie don't party and tend to be studious. I know they have gravitated to like-minded students, and they seem to be spread around campus. So far, he has not had a hard time finding things to do in what little spare time he has and has found lots of students to do it with. I know the school has a rep for partying, but I think there are more that don't party or party occasionally than the school gets credit for.</p>
<p>Thanx along~, glad to get the info to pass on to S. He is not a partyer so just trying to find out all the info I can. The older friend he has at Tulane that he has visited for overnight, also does not party and neither did his friends (all engineers - too busy studying!!)</p>
<p>tabby, I have no first hand knowledge, but I will ask my son what he knows. Since he does "party" (he's a typical work hard, play hard type) he is not a candidate for the ss-free dorm, but he might know some of the kids there.</p>
<p>thanx concerneddad!</p>
<p>Like concerneddad, my son also is not a candidate for the substance free dorm, but did know of students housed there. I will see what kind of information I can get from him. The year he was a freshman, student were placed in Paterson that did not want to be; seems there was not enough housing to go around. The problem with this was there were students that might enjoy partying housed with those that chose not to. I was given the impression that students that selected this dorm did so in order to have a quieter and substance free space. If you have ever ventured into Sharp or Monroe Halls late on a Saturday night (early Sunday morning), you would understand. The stench in the elevators and bathrooms, as well as the noise, can be a bit much. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of students that do not party in these dorms; the difference is they do not mind the party atmosphere. If a student is not ok with seeing his roomate hugging the porcelain bowl, or waking up to spilled beer cans everywhere, then I would suggest Paterson. Again not all students party in the freshman dorms, but enough do that it affects others.</p>
<p>This is true of most college campuses, not just Tulane. You get a bunch of 18 year olds together that have new found freedom, and low and behold- a party or two or three...</p>
<p>"If you have ever ventured into Sharp or Monroe Halls late on a Saturday night (early Sunday morning), you would understand. The stench in the elevators and bathrooms, as well as the noise, can be a bit much. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of students that do not party in these dorms; the difference is they do not mind the party atmosphere. If a student is not ok with seeing his roomate hugging the porcelain bowl, or waking up to spilled beer cans everywhere"</p>
<p>What are you talking about?!?!</p>
<p>HA, i didn't know adults noticed that so easily. Monroe, at least the old unrenovated Monroe, had character. </p>
<p>Another thing about Paterson, is oftentimes kids who were caught dealing drugs or doing "real" drugs got forced into Paterson by their parents. I'd personally choose Butler if you are looking for a quiet study environment. Sure a lot of the Butler kids go out, but they partying in Butler in no way comes near Monroe or Sharp. Otherwise grow up and stay in Monroe and Sharp. Unlike Paterson, you have a huge pool of dorm mates to choose from when you are deciding what to do. Id rather take a chance choosing from 600 kids than from 100.</p>
<p>crackah-sorry if I offended you, but I call them as I see them. I have visited both og these freshman dorms years ago and I can tell you it was not a pretty site. Again, I am not implying that every floor in both dorms are that way, but the few I have visited on the weekend looked nothing like the dorms you see on tours. Maybe I went to far in suggesting that there were beer cans everywhere, but many students have an assortment of beer and liquor bottles lining their shelves. If you haven't seen this, either that mean the school is becoming more diligent about keeping the dorms alcohol free, or you have a great group on your floor.</p>
<p>rico-when your child tells you not to lean on the walls in the elevator as there is no housekeeping on the weekends, I tend to listen! While I know what I smelled, I really did not want to know the detail as to why it was there. As far as Paterson being the dorm that parents move their kids to due to drug use, I know of one instance when that happened. I know that student was not happy and I'm sure the students that chose to live in Paterson were not happy with this arrangement either.</p>
<p>tabby, my son said that about 1/2 of the S/F dorm are truly substance free, the rest are moderate partiers who were placed there. Overall, it is more of what a non-partier would want than even Butler (the Honors dorm). He also said that like Butler, the S-F dorm ha a little bit of a stigma attached to it, but that it is nothing anyone really worries about.</p>
<p>Your insight is helpful. I would like my D to consider substance free or some sort of wellness living wherever she ends up. She on the other hand has a perception of the type of students who live in them and is not really interested. She is not a big partier but doesn't mind those who do. But she can get very crankly and needs alone and quiet time.</p>
<p>I think the key here is to use the Tulane roommate finder service. My son hooked up with his roomate through the service last year. They keep the same hours and habits, so they get along really well. If your daughter chooses Tulane and sends in her deposit, she will be given the information.</p>
<p>My son described the Monroe bathrooms on a Sunday morning as the seventh circle of hell. Monroe was - even by freshman dormintory standards marvelously decrepit. My understanding is thet rehabed it last summer but I find it hard to believe that anything short of demolition would have been worth the effort.</p>
<p>I thought Monroe was horrible when my son was a freshman, then I saw the frat house! My opinion of Monroe then changed for the better. And yes, I have been in the Monroe bathrooms on a Sunday; not a pretty site.</p>
<p>Thanx for all the info, everyone.</p>