Successful Bike Locks?

Hi, I’m going to be a freshman this year at UCSD and just wondering which bike locks have you had experience with? Good and bad experiences. Thank you! This is much appreciated:)

While I didn’t have a bike last year, a lot of my friends had the fairly standard Kryptonite locks. If you get one of those, though, get a pricey one. The cheaper ones (security level six or seven I think) were almost invariably broken and the bike stolen, at least in Revelle.

oh okay thanks!

One other tip, lock your frame to the bike rack not just your wheels.

Bring a crappy bike and use a U lock/cable

My son has a bike seat that is ripped up and partly covered with duct tape. It makes the whole bike look worth less than it is. If he got a new bike seat, he would probably intentionally damage it (cosmetically but not functionally) to make the bike less likely to get stolen.