Successful in HS?

<p>How were you successful in HS? What were your study habits? In-class habits? Just looking for ideas to finish my senior year with. Thanks!</p>

<p>Brian B
Student Pilot (Private License)
Trilingual speaker (English, Spanish, and French)</p>

<p>Didn’t start doing my homework at all until partway through sophomore year, and even then I almost never did it at home. The only studying I did was cramming for APs and final exams and looking over notes the period before a test. In class, I almost always participate. I’m a fairly talkative person and I can’t stand it when people refuse to answer a question and there’s an uncomfortable silence. I take notes in the classes where it’s necessary (Calc, physics). I was definitely not the ideal student!</p>

<p>I havent always been the best student, and have gone through some really rough patches through my school life. In third grade I had some real issues with my teacher (she was a great teacher, the problems were my own situation, not her) and was sent to the principles office dozens of times. In fourth grade I had a really difficult teacher who was really terrible. That year I was also diagnosed with depression (thought to be from my move from my hometown to houston maybe?) and had to be homeschooled for weeks/months by a teacher. When I came back I was put into a special ed/behavioural class, mixed in with children who cussed people out, broke chairs in half, were repeating grades for the third and fourth time and also with the mentally ■■■■■■■■ children (dont take offence to my use of mental retardation. Its a medical term). Then we moved to my current location and I was still in the behavior class situation… I was held back from fifth grade (due to nonacademic reasons), and then sailed right into middle school which was fine for the most part. I had a few bouts with some teachers, a handful of referrals (write-ups) and in school suspensions (nothing physical or bad, just back talk). </p>


<p>Then I hit highschool, and was really allowed to let my colors shine with some good teachers and a more opportunistic school life. I got straight A’s last year with only 1 nonacademic course (gym) and all honors and 1 AP as a freshman. I just knew how much money was to me, and I had to face the fact that I would be broke unless I either developed some multi-million dollar company, or did good in school and get into a good (if not great) college. I assessed each class accordingly, put some at higher importance then others, and did work for the classes I knew it were going to be the hardest first, and the easiest last. I studied (though I never in my life have really studied), and read over notes, and did flashcards–and did homework. Whenever I had urges to confront teachers I thought were in the wrong, I shut my mouth, stood back, and just played nice. I am also not the ideal student, but when I didnt understand something (kind of rare, I thought most of my classes were easy) I made sure I found out how to do it.</p>