Such a beautiful school- those applying need to visit

<p>Just got back from dropping the kid off- only 6 more times to go! :) (D2 enters when he exits). Had to post with just one thought:</p>

<p>To any of you that will be applying to VT this year, do yourselves a favor and try to see the campus before making a decison. You would think that after going up there for 3 years now, one would be kind of over the beauty of Drillfield, the hills and quaintness of Blacksburg and the campus buildings themselves, but I am not. Such a beautiful school. I really don't think that pictures or a website can show VT for what it is, so I encourage anyone who can, to take a trip to see it. Of course yesterday was clear, sunny and just a gorgeous day, so hopefully the college visit Gods will be on your side if you go. </p>

<p>Go Hokies!</p>

<p>“To any of you that will be applying to VT this year, do yourselves a favor and try to see the campus before making a decison.”</p>

<p>Visiting the campus is what sealed the deal for our daughter (she was deciding between VT, NC State, South Carolina, and JMU.) Our whole family fell in love with Tech and Blacksburg! I was again amazed by its beauty during drop-off, and we did ours during the downpour of last Wednesday :-)</p>

<p>I could not agree more. We took our DS for New Cadet Week on 08/14. Went back for the parade on 08/21. It’s so beautiful, it’s hard to head home. </p>

<p>Our first visit to VT when we were doing the campus tours in late 2008, it was only 30 degrees, windy, and snow flurries. We loved it even then. The next visit, it was rainy, but the fall colors were absolutely beautiful. The weather this summer for orientation and move-in has been great. </p>

<p>I was surprised and happy to receive a letter from our Cadet in the mail late last week. It said “ABSOLUTELY the right place for me.” I cried.</p>

<p>I agree it is a beautiful campus. Our DD was one that didn’t want to see it before applying, because on line she fell in love with it. She was scared that if she visited it, she would be heartbroken if they rejected her. Luckily that didn’t occur.</p>

<p>For people who can’t make the drive due to distance. The only thing I can say is, the campus reminds you wherever you walk of Hogwarts (Harry Potter). You walk around thinking at any second, you will see students wearing the black robes like them. </p>

<p>I have heard that one of the prettiest times is in the spring with all of the daffodils and tulips. I can’t imagine that being the prettiest compared to fall an the leaves changing.</p>

<p>Tech, truly is that “college” campus we all see in movies.</p>

<p>Speaking of VT and Hogwarts reminds me of gargoyles and other wall fixtures…</p>

<p>It seems that I like different parts of campus every time we visit. This year as we were walking back from seeing Lumenhaus on the Drillfield, s took us through one of the oldest parts of campus, a courtyard/archway near the Smyth building (which he said was one of Tech’s first academic buildings). It was beautiful there. He said there are animals carved in the Hokie stone and then pointed out a “COWgoyle” on one of the buildings! Never seen anything like that before… gotta show due respect to Tech’s agricultural roots. :)</p>